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Modena (Italy) - "Neighbourhood Control and Subsidiarity" Conference

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The conference took place in Italy, Modena on March 31st 2019, and involved many participants such as the undersecretary of the Ministry of Justice, Jacopo Morrone, Modena’s Mayor Gian Carlo Muzzarelli, the Deputy Commander of the Local Police Patrizia Gambarini, EUNWA President Karl Brunnbauer, the representatives of the Neighbourhood Watch groups in Modena, Bologna, Ravenna, Forlì, Parma, Piacenza and Venice, and other spokesmen.

The Neighbourhood Watch in Italy, promoted by different associations, is formed by more than 2000 groups and involves around 100.000 families that embrace the principles that “the best burglar alarm is your neighbour”. The residents, through the surveillance of private, shared, and public areas, take care of their own community, supporting and defending the most fragile individuals that are more exposed to the victimization risk, such as lonely elders or abused women. 

During the conference, the Deputy Minister presented the “Red Code” bill, that will expect more focus and attention towards women victims of crimes. The Minister for the Public Administration is promoting this project so that women victims of aggressions, threats or violence can freely report with more safety the oppressors. 

Four “Clara Cardia Award” were then awarded to Paola Dall’AstaMassimo Cartelli e Giorgio Frignani, three volunteers strongly involved in promoting the Neighbourhood Watch project in their areas of intervention, and a collective award was given to the first four Neighbourhood Watch groups in Modena. 

The ANCDV President ended the conference thanking the spokesmen for their contributions, reminding everyone that the citizens’ subsidiary action can lead to great results in the building of safer communities. He set the date for the 2020 conference, hoping to increase the numbers of participants and spokesmen, involving other European experts on the “Participated Safety” theme and other covered topics.  

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