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Prague (Czech Republic) - Conference in Social Prevention

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The International Reflection Group in cooperation with the Czech Institute of Criminology and Social Prevention organized a conference in Prague, April 11th to 13th 2018, at the Czech Criminological Institute, attended mainly by representatives from Sweden, the Czech Republic and Austria. The President of the European Neighborhood Watch Organization (EUNWA), Karl Brunnbauer, invited EUNWA members to participate.

The meeting took place at The Prague Institute for Criminology and Social Prevention, in 150 00 Prague 5, Nam. 14. Rijna 12 and was led by Miroslav Scheinost. The conference and the meeting agenda was prepared by a Swedish team. Former Chief of Police Kjell Elefalk, now head of Tragghet and Management Company, Stockholm, acts as the International Manager and Advisor to the Police, leading the Swedish team of three colleagues. As an active police officer of the Swedish police, Mrs. Superintendent and Senior Advisor My-Britt Rinaldo was also present. Two other international guests, Ms Chadia Dehbi, Research Officer of the EUCPN Secretariat, Brussels, and Mr Dragan Gagovic, Monitoring Officer, from the Ukraine, attended the meeting as well.

On the first day, the Czechs introduced their neighbourhood assistance program. It is carried out in the Czech regions under the supervision of the Criminological Institute in Prague. The basic conclusion is that these activities of the Czech Ministry of Interior are not valued enough by the population. There are also difficulties with the weak analytical results, shortcomings in funding and the fact that too little time is spent on the projects and the small number of cases. The measures of social prevention are aimed at specially selected target groups and the use of media work. A new program for the period 2002 to 2018 intended to shift the paradigm from public interest to the satisfaction of local areas. The study: Czech Victimization Survey 2017, 3328 people were questioned about their experiences with crime. This study led to the development of a prevention program, which deals with the problems of the victims.

The Swedish group presented their "crime prevention activity". Peter Lindtström and Niklas Roth shared that in Stockholm in 2006, with about one million inhabitants and another one million people living in the vicinity, a "crime prevention investigation" was launched, with 32,500 people interviewed. About 55% of the people interviewed actually responded. The aim of the survey was to determine the degree of anxiety. The key question was whether one is willing to go out alone late at night, or rather refrain from doing so. This survey helped to determine the level of fear amongst the population.

Dr. Gohar Sargsyan, from CGI, addressed the topic "Creating Safer Communities"(e.g. Burgernet). Cooperation between government, industry, academics and residents allowed creating a model of security for territories. Swedish spokesman Kista Galleria added that there are no contradictions between public and private crime prevention.

On the second day, the conference started with the presentation by President Karl Brunnbauer, who represented the European model of the Neighborhood Watch Association. You can find the details on the website: www.EUNWA.ORG - Austria contributed significantly to the creation of the European network.

Next on the agenda was Ms. Chadia Dehbi, from the Secretariat of the European Crime Prevention Network - EUCPN in Brussels, which was decisively set up and expanded in 2001 and 2009. Goals are:

  1. Make knowledge about crime prevention accessible to all
  2. To propose strategies and measures for implementation
  3. Coordinate research and monitoring
  4. Provide practical advice and tools
  5. Create communication
  6. To provide assistance with the administration.

The European Union has granted two million Euros to implement these goals. You can find the details at:

Professor Mr. Priit Suve, Estonia presented the following subject:

“Looking for the answers from the answers”. Estonian example of reducing crime and crime prevention.

Ret. Police superintendent Mr. Maximilian Edelbacher, Austria, gave a presentation on the newly published book "Tendencies in Criminality against Elderly- Elderly as Victims and Offenders", which will be published by Springer New York in May 2018,

Dragan Gagovic, OSCE officer talked about learning from mistakes.

Nista Galleria, from Sweden, emphasized on the importance of dialogue. They installed a crime prevention model in a shopping centre, where 5,000 people work, and were therefore able to reduce crime conducted by juvenile gangs by integrating them usefully and by reducing their negative activities.

Interesting was the presentation of the Swedish Harm-Crime-Index model, which was introduced by super indent May-Britt Rinaldo in Stockholm. She pointed out that taking into account the so-called Harm-Hot-Spots provided much better information than simply focusing the prevention activity on the Crime-Hot-Spots. This allowed collecting comprehensive information about the critical locations and set targeted measures to defuse these places. The Harm-Crime Index model was first used in Cambridge. The Swedish model used the indicators: offences and additionally the penalty amount of the committed offences (Prison Days). Thus, the number of critical locations could be comprehensively recorded, resulting in a successful determination of where to reinforce police presence. The inclusion of 2,630 crimes, 333,371 prison days led to the detection of 60 critical locations.

At last Dr. Peter Lindström spoke on the use of "Knowledge-based Policing + Research and Professionalized Policing" - these models come from the USA and United Kingdom. The Netherlands and other Scandinavian countries were the first countries willing to apply such measures themselves.

All in all, an interesting meeting took place, which provided many new insights into prevention work and could enable a partnership of public and private actions.

2018 04 13 PRAHA 19.1

From left: Mag. Max Edelbacher (ACUNS) and participants

2018 04 13 PRAHA 59.1

Regional Prevention for Central Bohemia Region (from left: JUDr. Michaela Štefunková, PhDr. Miroslav Scheinost, JUDr. Milan Fára, plk. Mgr. Jiři Fejfar, Karl Brunnbauer, Superintendent May-Britt Rinaldo, Police Consultant Kjell Elefalk) meeting with Mr. JUDr. Robert Bezděk (not on the picture)

2018 04 13 PRAHA 35.1

Dr. Gohar Sargsyan from CGI

2018 04 13 PRAHA 39.1

Karl Brunnbauer from the EUNWA

The International Reflection Group invites to the very first conference 11th – 13th of April 2018 in Prague hosted by The Czech Institute of Criminology and Social Prevention.

The conference was hold at The Justiční Palác in central Prague. Entrance 28. pluku 29B, 100 00 Praha 10-Vršovice.

Questions: Mr. Kjell Elefalk, Kontakt[at]

Founding members of the International Reflection Group:

  • Mr. Bengt Svenson, Ret. National Chief Police Commissioner 2007-2014, Swedish Police Service
  • Mr. Aleksander Krebl, International Police Advisor, Slovenia
  • Dr. Peter Lindström, PhD in Criminology, Stockholm County Police, Sweden
  • Mr. Kjell Elefalk, Ret. Development Director, Swedish Police Service, Sweden

Co-Chairpersons during the conference:

  • Dr. Ms Michaela Stefunkova, the Czech Institute of Criminology and Social Prevention.
  • Superintendent. Ms May-Britt Ronaldo, Region West, Swedish Police Service.
  • Mgr. Ms. Zuzana Kostelnikova, the Czech Institute of Criminology and Social Prevention.


The first day

11th April Main theme: The Citizens, academic studies and crime prevention in Czech Republic and Sweden. Current innovative perspectives in criminology theories, local communities and policing. The day ends with a description of Digital Community Policing.

0900 Welcome to Prague!

Dr. Mr Miroslav Scheinost, Director of the Czech Institute of Criminology and Social Prevention.

0920 Welcome to the Conference! Background, purpose and objective in the European context.

Mr. Kjell Elefalk, The Network of organisers.

0950 “The Measurement of Effectiveness of Preventive Projects”

Ms Tina Mrazkova, Ministry of Interior, Czech Republic

1100 “The Local Safety Measurement Paradigm – 20 years of national experiences in Swedish Community Policing”

Mr. Kjell Elefalk, Senior Advisor, ret. Development Director Swedish Police Service

1300 “Victimization survey focused on the experience of the Czech population with selected types of offences within the set reference period"

Dr. Ms Michaela Stefunkova, Mgr. Ms Zuzana Kostelnikova, the Czech Institute of Criminology and Social Prevention

1350 “The City of Stockholm and the Safety Measurement results influencing the cooperation between The Local Government and The Stockholm Region Police”

Dr. Mr Peter Lindström, Stockholm Police, Dr. Mr Niklas Roth Stockholm Local Government

1500 "Creating Safer Society / Digital Community Policing",

Dr. Mr Gohar Sargsyan, ICT Innovation Lead EU, CGI Group Inc.

1550 Summary and discussion day 1

The second day

12th April Theme: Contemporary practical examples of European applications of research in practical community work and in policing.

0900 European Neighbourhood Watch Association (EUNWA), presentation of the organization's activities and priorities.

Chairman Mr. Karl Brunnbauer, Austria

0920 The European Crime Prevention Network (EUCPN), presentation of the organization's activities and priorities,

Ms. Chadia Dehbi,  EUCPN Secretariat, Brussels

0940 “Looking for the answers from the answers”. Estonian example of reducing crime and crime prevention.

Professor Mr.Priit Suve, Estonia

1030   “Elderly Victims of Crime” Ret. Police superintendent Mr. Maximilian Edelbacher, Austria

1130 “Organised Crime Groups in Europe - What that mean in praxis”

Mr. Dragan Gagovic, OSCE officer

1315   “Is there a contradiction between private and public actors in the fight against organized crime? - A field study

Senior Advisor Mr. Michael Engelberg, Sweden

1345 Swedish Crime Harm Index as a model for Harm-Focused Policing”.

Superintendent Ms. May-Britt Rinaldo, West Region, Swedish Police

1500 Knowledge-led policing – How do we understand this concept?

Dr. Mr. Peter Lindström, Malmö University and Stockholm Region Police, Sweden

1545 Summary and Final discussion

The third day

13th April Theme: Study visits in Czech Institutions enabling crime prevention

0900 -1100 The Regional Prevention Coordinator for Central Bohemia Region

1300 - 1500 The Crime Prevention Department of the Czech Ministry of Interior


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