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The 28th German Prevention Congress, including the 16th Annual International Forum (AIF), is a significant global event organized by the German Congress on Crime Prevention (Deutscher Präventionstag).

It takes place on June 12 and 13, 2023, and attracts participants from various countries, fostering a global dialogue on prevention and safety. The event's mission is to address pressing issues related to prevention, safety, and well-being, and it plays a crucial role in shaping strategies and initiatives that safeguard communities and build resilient societies.

The International Prevention Day serves as a remarkable platform for collaboration, knowledge exchange, and sharing insights, best practices, and innovative approaches. It promotes international cooperation, allowing countries to learn from one another and address common issues.

The event features a comprehensive program with keynote speeches, panel discussions, workshops, and networking opportunities where renowned experts and practitioners share their insights, research findings, and successful strategies. It focuses on specific themes and topics of global relevance, such as crime prevention, community safety, public health, environmental protection, cybercrime, social cohesion, and more. By exploring these themes and interconnected topics, the event provides participants with valuable insights and practical tools for effective prevention strategies.

The event adopts a multidisciplinary approach, incorporating diverse disciplines, and serves as a hub for knowledge sharing, capacity building, policy development, and advocacy. It acts as a catalyst for positive change, driving global collaboration and fostering a network of prevention experts committed to improving well-being worldwide.

Through international collaborations and partnerships, participants can connect, share expertise, and initiate joint research projects and initiatives. The event transcends borders, promoting cross-cultural understanding and the adaptation of successful prevention models. It fuels progress in public health and safety, celebrating achievements, inspiring innovation, and implementing effective strategies.

By connecting experts, stakeholders, and nations, the International Prevention Day shapes the prevention landscape and creates a healthier, more secure, and inclusive world for future generations.


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Welcome to the Cutting Crime Impact (CCI) project, this project will enable a preventative, evidence-based and sustainable approach to tackling high-impact petty crime. (Visit project web site)

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European Commission Internal Security fund project implemented by the State Police of Latvia was and is trying to tackle one of the biggest security problems of the 21st century - cybercrime.  

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The Vice–President of EUNWA Dr. Georgios Leventakis (Policy and Innovation Advisor) participated at the 2018 Security Research Event (SRE 2018), which jointly organized by the European Commission and the Austrian Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology. The event took place on 5th and 6th of December in Brussels at the Square Meeting Centre1. 

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On December 5th and 6th, 2018, a conference organized by the European Crime Prevention Network (EUCPN), on “Best Practice in Community Policing in Europe”, was held at the "Austria Center" in Vienna. During the conference, which took place in the context of the activities of the Austrian semester of Presidency of EU Council, 20 projects were submitted by the representatives of the countries participating to the network, related to the application of the community policing in their communities.

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The INSPEC2T awareness games are being further optimised to increase engagement and enhance their content. As such the game development team at PlayGen together with four of our pilot cities have been focusing on extensive user testing of the two games; ‘Resource Force’ and ‘Photo Challenge’. With emphasis on reaching out to real end users and gaining insights and feedback, we are improving the games, enhancing their effectiveness and making them more enjoyable.

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Set of techniques which have for object the commercial strategy and in particular the market study.