Venice (Italy) - “Citizen participation in the security of European cities”

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Sponsored by Venice City CouncilAxon and Nextdoor companies, on September 2nd and 3rd 2019, we held in Venice our 5th Annual Meeting. The event, led by our President Karl Brunnbauer and moderated by EUNWA Legal Advisor Roberta Bravi and Vice-president Leonardo Campanale, was strongly wanted by the City Councillor Enrico Gavagnin – whom, in doing the honours, remarked how strongly City Mayor Luigi Brugnaro believes in Neighbourhood Watch prevention program.

Special guest of the meeting was Roberto Ciambetti, President of Veneto Regional Council, first signatory of a very recent regional law supporting Neighbourhood Watch program - a regulation written in collaboration with Enrico Gavagnin.

The meeting was attended by 68 representatives of 12 different countries. During the session, where participants deployed the themes planned in agenda, EUNWA’s partners signed a memorandum of understanding called, in honour of the hosting city, the “Venice Charter”.

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5th meeting flyer


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