Valencia (Spain) - Police Mediation in times of pandemic

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The Effective Resolution of Conflicts in times of crisis

Police Mediation in times of pandemic – Covid-19 by VIRGINIA PARDO IRANZO (Professor of Procedural Law, Universitat de Valencia (Spain) and ANTONIO BERLANGA SANCHEZ (Police Officer, Valencia Local Police (Spain)

The world is immersed in a great health crisis caused by COVID-19 with consequences in all, or basically all, areas of life[1]. The economic crisis is already a reality and will continue to be in the following months and years; In fact, the World Bank has warned the COVID-19 pandemic will cause the largest global economic crisis since 1870, even bigger than the great depression of the 1930s or the global financial crisis of 2008, threatening to provoke a dramatic rise in the worldwide poverty level.

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Set of techniques which have for object the commercial strategy and in particular the market study.