Wednesday, 20 June 2018 13:55

Varese (Italy) - News from the ACdV

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PRESS RELEASE - Varese, 22nd May 2018    

On Sunday, 20th May 2018, was hold in Cremona the Congress of the Associazione Controllo del Vicinato – ACdV, established in 2015 and depositary in the national territory of the Controllo del Vicinato – Neighbourhood Watch trademark.

The Association has been involved since its foundation with the fight against widespread crime and the sense of insecurity of citizens through the strengthening of social cohesion, the elimination of vulnerabilities and loyal collaboration with the Police forces in general and with local Police forces.

The Association, non-profit, non-partisan, non-denominational, and non-union, has the statutory objective of spreading the participatory security culture already successfully launched and present in over 320 Italian municipalities, involving at present 46,000 families.

The new Executive Committee and the current Presidency elected on 20th May 2018 intend to continue with enthusiasm and determination to spread the “Controllo del Vicinato – Neighbourhood Watch” project in all the institutional, administrative, political, social and economic premises of the territory, in full respect of the principles of the Constitution, in compliance with the laws of the Italian Republic and in the sole interest of the citizens.

The new Executive Committee and the Presidency also intend to clarify that there is no new symbol and no false evolution, calling on citizens to be wary of imitations and ensuring that the Association will defend in every seat the originality of the “Controllo del Vicinato – Neighbourhood Watch” project, widely circulated and known, and the truth of the facts.

The Members’ Meeting held as follows:

  1. it has been appointed Honorary President Gianfrancesco Caccia, founding member;
  2. the Presidency has been assigned to Ferdinando Raffero, of the Piedmont section;
  3. the elected Executive Committee is composed as follows:
  • Bevilacqua Domenico – Marche;
  • Castellone Alfonso – Lombardy;
  • Chiavalin Antonella – Veneto;
  • Giorgi Michele – Liguria/High Tuscany;
  • Gola Irene – Veneto;
  • Musardo Vincenzo – Lazio;
  • Piemonti Raoul – Lombardy;
  • Valsecchi Walter – Lombardy;
  1. The Scientific Committee is composed as follows:
  • Ing. Allievi Claudio, Expert in Organization and Training;
  • Dr. Gavagnin Enrico, State Police Inspector;
  • Dr. Tamos Lorenzo, Legal Counsellor.


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