Florence (Italy) - CITYCoP Final Conference

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"Changing Communities, Changing Policing"
Palazzo Vecchio, Piazza della Signoria, 50122 Florence

The CITYCoP Conference "Changing Communities, Changing Policing" took place in Florence 17/18. April 2018.

The President of the European Neighborhood Watch Organization, Karl Brunnbauer, was invited and gave a presentation on the Austrian Neighbourhood Watch Group - proNACHBAR (proNEIGHBOUR).

09:15 – 11:00  Enhancing community engagement through a multi-stakeholder approach: Citizens, Practitioners and Academics
Chair: Noellie Brockdoorf, Cognitive Science Department, Faculty at Media & Knowledge Science, University of Malta (MT)
Presentation followed by panel discussion:
  • Celia Callus, Nutcracker Research [UK]
  • Tiina Ristmäe, Estonian Neighbourhood Watch [EE]
  • Karl Brunnbauer, European Neighbourhood Watch Association (EUNWA)- [AT]
  • Pilar de la Torre, European Forum for Urban Security [FR]
  • Sveva AvvedutoInstitute for Research on Population and Social Policies, National Research Council [IT]
  • Daniele Mezzana, Laboratory of Citizenship Sciences [IT]

The information that has been shared during the conference and the new relationships that have been established are of great value for EUNWA. We trust that bridges were built to enable further communication and to explore further cooperation.


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Welcome and opening –
Federico Gianassi, Assessor
of Urban Security and
Municipal Police, Municipality
of Florence [IT] Alessandro
Casale, Commandant, Florence
Municipal Police [IT]
Presentation followed by panel
discussion: (from left) Celia Callus,
Nutcracker Research [UK] Tiina
Ristmäe, Estonian Neighbourhood
Watch [EE] Karl Brunnbauer,
European Neighbourhood Watch
Association (EUNWA)- [AT];
Chair: Noellie Brockdoorf, Cognitive
Science Department, Faculty at
Media & Knowledge Science,
University of Malta (MT); Pilar de
la Torre, European Forum for
Urban Security [FR] Sveva
Avveduto, Institute for Research
on Population and Social Policies,
National Research Council [IT]
Daniele Mezzana, Laboratory of
Citizenship Sciences [IT]
Karl Brunnbauer from the EUNWA 


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