Vienna (Austria) - Proud to serve EUNWA

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To the Members of the EUNWA

Vienna, October 2021

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

After founding the EUNWA in 2014, I have been President, enjoying the cooperation with so many good friends and colleagues. Those of you who participated in the 2019 Annual Meeting in Venice will have best memories of this event and the EUNWA can be proud of the Venice Charter that we all signed those days.

No doubt, the value of crime prevention organisations such as our EUNWA increases only in importance, seen the threats today in society and the benefits of the existing Neighbourhood Watch organisations (NWHs), already set up in many countries. The challenges to society only increase: there is widespread drugs criminality, resulting in burglary and personal attacks, other organised crime against persons and property, terrorist threats, internet crime, cyber-attacks, and more. Our open societies, open borders between many countries and increasingly diversified societies, also caused by immigration from many countries (often with different ethical and moral values), result in a clear increase in the perception of risk with individual citizens. NWHs here fulfil the important role to protect people and increase their feeling of safety – studies show that often the crime rate in a neighbourhood decreases if an active NWH is present.

The NWHs have also other benefits for society: they increase the community feeling between citizens, socialize them in a way and so contribute to establish a social cohesion for otherwise isolated people.

It was my pleasure to serve the EUNWA for these past years, but I believe now the time has come to pass the torch to other people in another country, to get new ideas and new spirit. For some years, I had an excellent communication with the Italian NWHs, especially with the one in Venice. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Municipality of Venice and in particular, the Councillor Enrico Gavagnin for his unconditional support to EUNWA and the Neighbourhood Watch groups of his city.

I am more than pleased that the Italian team, composed by Roberta Bravi, Mauro Bardi and Carlotta Gavagnin, coordinated by Leonardo Campanale, has decided to continue our common European security project.

I thank you all for your contributions in these years and trust that the new leadership will receive the same confidence and support as I have enjoyed. Of course, I will continue to be available as a consultant and honorary President. I wish you all well.


Karl Brunnbauer,

EUNWA President

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