Heraklion (Greece) - Next Generation Community Policing Conference

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International Scientific Conference

Next Generation Community Policing - Social Media and Smart Apps in the context of the Fight against Terrorism and Organized Crime

The International Scientific Conference “Next Generation Community Policing - NGCP International Conference Social Media and Smart Apps in the context of the Fight against Terrorism and Organized Crime” was successfully organized on the 25 - 27 October 2017, in Heraklion, Crete – Greece, with the support of the European Commission (EC).

The Conference included the presentation of fifty-six scientific papers, the presentation of a number of information systems, live demonstrations of smart phone mobile applications, as well as the use of social media supporting the institution of Community Policing in order to increase citizen security in the modern urban environment.

The Conference was attended by EC Officials, Government representatives, Law Enforcement Agency (LEA) Officers, as well as participants from European and International Organizations and private companies from the security sector. The conference hosted 170 attendants from 20 countries* (EU, USA and Canada).

The NGCP Conference 2017 constituted appropriate grounds for the exchange of valuable experiences and know-how between the Police, scientists from the fields of Sociology, Criminology and Law, as well as Operational Search & Rescue officials. Specifically, the center of attention was the use of information and telecommunications technology in the Fight against Terrorism and Organized Crime, focusing on the use of smart phones, drones and Smart Apps.

The conference resulted from the collaboration of nine (9) Εuropean Research Programs within the Community Policing and Civil Protection sectors (DG Migration and Home Affairs & DG European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations) and its main objective was to inform academia and decision makers about the latest research developments in order to contribute to policy planning regarding these sectors.

The conference was held at the “Fodele Beach” Hotel and the Welcome Address was delivered by the Director of the Center for Security Studies – KEMEA Dr. Vasileios Gkrizis Lt. General (ret.) of the Hellenic Police.

The Conference Keynote Speakers, representing European and International Organizations were:

  • Andrea De Candido - Deputy Head of Unit DG Migration and Home Affair B4 - Innovation and Industry for Security –) Εuropean Commission (EC)
  • Caroline Goemans-Dorny – Data Protection Officer
  • Sónia de Sousa Pereira – Specialist at the Data Protection Function of Europol
  • Leonard Doyle – Director of the Media and Communication Division and Spokesperson of the Director General of IOM - International Organization for Migration (IOM)
  • Thorsten Stodiek - Deputy Head Strategic Police Matters Unit - Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)
  • Katrijn Hoedemakers – EUCPN Spokeswoman - European Crime Prevention Network (EUCPN)
  • Ryan G. Prox – S/Constable in Charge Crime Analytics Advisory & Development Unit - Vancouver Police Department (VPD). Adjunct Professor in the School of Criminology Simon Fraser University, Canada

During the last day of the conference, live demonstrations and simulations of the co-organizers’ technological solutions were carried out. Two of the co-organizers (PREDICATE & INSPEC2T Projects) held a wide range of outdoor demonstrations, playing out scenarios related to the use of technology and SmartApps in the fields of Community Policing (INSPEC2T) and Search and Rescue (PREDICATE). The valuable contribution of KLADOS Security, a local security services provider, should be stressed at this point for their provision of crews and equipment which were used during the live demonstrations of the projects mentioned above.

The conference was sponsored by COSMOTE and was supported by the European Commission (EC).

Participating countries:

Austria, Belgium, Canada, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, U.S.A.


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