Agreement signed with the Municipality of Venice

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EUNWA began collaborating with the Municipality of Venice in 2019. In September of the same year, we held our Fifth Annual Conference in Venice, hosted by the municipal administration. 

The annual meeting was a tremendous opportunity to deepen our relationships with the city administrators and leaders of the Neighbourhood Watch groups in that area. 

Throughout 2020 and 2021, we have jointly developed many other initiatives, for example seminars and conferences on Neighbourhood Watch prevention techniques, for the benefit of Neighbourhood Watch schemes, more than 178, in the city. Given the excellent teamwork that has characterized these two years of collaboration, on 16th October 2021 we decided to sign an agreement to extend it for another two years. The agreement provides the support by EUNWA for the development of training activities to expand the program of the Neighbourhood Watch in the cities of the province of Venice and the Veneto Region. 

The City of Venice, recognizing the social value of the Neighbourhood Watch and its effectiveness as a tool for preventing crime, in June 2017 has established the Centre for Communication and Territorial Analysis - CCTA, managed by Councillor Enrico Gavagnin, with which EUNWA cooperates actively. CCTA supports and coordinates the development activities of the Neighbourhood Watch programme of the Metropolitan City of Venice and relies on the support of EUNWA expertise. 

These two years of excellent collaboration with the Municipality of Venice and the Neighbourhood Watch groups have convinced us to move our headquarters to this beautiful city, establishing in October 2021 the General Secretariat of EUNWA.

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