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COOPERATION AGREEMENT between the General Police Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Moldova, the " Eco-Razeni" Public Association and the European Association for Neighbourhood Watch (EUNWA).

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With pleasure we announce the appointment of our new advisory board member for the EUNWA.

llze Bērziṇa — Ruḳere is an expert working on the issues on police and human rights, projects on police accountability and community policing, including community policing for prevention of radicalization. She has working experience in state, non-governmental sector and academic sector (teaching community policing and human rights courses).

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On February 14, 2019 the General Police Inspectorate of Moldova organized, for the fifth consecutive year, a forum to present the results obtained under the "Neighborhood Surveillance" project at the Ministry of Labor in Chisinau.

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The conference in Mestre on aware and participatory urban security: from left to right Francesco Caccetta, President of the Italian Neighborhood Watch Association; Leonardo Campanale, Vice-President of the European Neighborhood Watch Association;

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European Commission Internal Security fund project implemented by the State Police of Latvia was and is trying to tackle one of the biggest security problems of the 21st century - cybercrime.  

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