Displaying items by tag: Neighbourhood Watch

EUNWA is promoting a research on the use of instant messaging apps in Neighbourhood Watch activities in Europe.


Estonia’s Internal Security Development Plan 2015-2020

The Internal Security Development Plan is regulating the co-operation between the state and the ENHW. Starting from 2008 the Estonian Ministry of Interior is involving different partners into the process of putting together the development plan and our co-operation and input has increased every year. There are four focal topics in the development plan but the general idea is to prioritize, promote and support individual commitment and contribution, safety is not just the states responsibility.

Monday, 05 September 2016 10:48

Neighbourhood Watch Spirit

Neighbourhood watch (NW) schemes exist in many European countries on a national, regional, and local level. They are usually privately-organized associations or groups. Some of them are large nation-wide organizations with a network of local chapters serving hundreds of thousands or even millions of households, others are local groups serving only a few hundred citizens.

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Monday, 01 November 2021 22:22

Why a new website?

With the establishment of the EUNWA General Secretariat on October 16th 2021 in Venice, the Board was enriched with new members and a new impetus. 

EUNWA’s mission remains unchanged: promote crime prevention among European citizens, support the emergence of the Neighbourhood Watch in countries where it is not yet present, encourage dialogue between European associations involved in security programmes, institutions, and citizens.

Friday, 24 October 2014 15:35

Vienna (Austria) - EUNWA Founding Conference

Founding Conference, October 23 - 24, 2014, in Vienna

With crime rates in Europe being high, personal security and protection of personal property issues are moving into the focus of citizens across the European Union. Whilst the Police is doing an incredibly good job to resolve crimes and to prevent the spreading out of organized crime, the citizens of Europe are complementing police efforts by establishing Neighbourhood Watch organisations.

Saturday, 01 October 2016 12:14

Vienna (Austria) - 3rd Annual Conference 2016

EUNWA founder Karl Brunnbauer invited the international Neighbourhood Watch Community to hold its third annual conference in Vienna. 44 participants representing 32 organizations from 14 countries were happy to join him in Vienna.

Friday, 11 November 2016 09:51

Castel Ritaldi (Italy) 2nd ANNUAL conference 2015

Our Neighbourhood Watch Community was invited by Controllo del Vicinato and the community of Castel Ritaldi to hold its second conference here. On the 23/24 of October 2015, 50 participants represented more than 20 organizations from 13 countries, although it was a big logistic challenge to come together far away from different airports and locally widespread hotels and pensions. Finally, Italian hospitality was the key to bring us together in excellent atmosphere.

Wednesday, 27 October 2021 16:51

Vienna (Austria) - Proud to serve EUNWA

To the Members of the EUNWA

Vienna, October 2021

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

After founding the EUNWA in 2014, I have been President, enjoying the cooperation with so many good friends and colleagues. Those of you who participated in the 2019 Annual Meeting in Venice will have best memories of this event and the EUNWA can be proud of the Venice Charter that we all signed those days.

Prejudices between neighbours could prevent the creation of new Neighbourhood Watch groups and weaken the functioning of existing ones, in addition to impacting, in a broader sense, the entire community.

Today, in Rome, the new “Associazione Nazionale del Controllo di Vicinato” - ANCDV (www.ancdv.it) has been established. Among the founders there are those whom about ten years ago brought the experience of the Neighborhood Watch in Italy, inspired by the homonymous British model.

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