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EUNWA is promoting a research on the use of instant messaging apps in Neighbourhood Watch activities in Europe.

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EUNWA began collaborating with the Municipality of Venice in 2019. In September of the same year, we held our Fifth Annual Conference in Venice, hosted by the municipal administration. 

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Estonia’s Internal Security Development Plan 2015-2020

The Internal Security Development Plan is regulating the co-operation between the state and the ENHW. Starting from 2008 the Estonian Ministry of Interior is involving different partners into the process of putting together the development plan and our co-operation and input has increased every year. There are four focal topics in the development plan but the general idea is to prioritize, promote and support individual commitment and contribution, safety is not just the states responsibility.

Monday, 05 September 2016 10:48

Neighbourhood Watch Spirit

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Neighbourhood watch (NW) schemes exist in many European countries on a national, regional, and local level. They are usually privately-organized associations or groups. Some of them are large nation-wide organizations with a network of local chapters serving hundreds of thousands or even millions of households, others are local groups serving only a few hundred citizens.

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International Scientific Conference

Next Generation Community Policing - Social Media and Smart Apps in the context of the Fight against Terrorism and Organized Crime

The International Scientific Conference “Next Generation Community Policing - NGCP International Conference Social Media and Smart Apps in the context of the Fight against Terrorism and Organized Crime” was successfully organized on the 25 - 27 October 2017, in Heraklion, Crete – Greece, with the support of the European Commission (EC).

Monday, 01 November 2021 22:22

Why a new website? Featured

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With the establishment of the EUNWA General Secretariat on October 16th 2021 in Venice, the Board was enriched with new members and a new impetus. 

EUNWA’s mission remains unchanged: promote crime prevention among European citizens, support the emergence of the Neighbourhood Watch in countries where it is not yet present, encourage dialogue between European associations involved in security programmes, institutions, and citizens.

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