On 6 October, for the first time, the European Parliament officially took a stand against facial recognition systems and automated analysis of behavioural traits and biometric details (individual characteristics such as gait, fingerprints, DNA, voice, etc.). It called on the Commission to permanently ban the use of biometric video surveillance in public spaces to protect respect for privacy, human dignity and prevent discrimination.
The Effective Resolution of Conflicts in times of crisis
Police Mediation in times of pandemic – Covid-19 by VIRGINIA PARDO IRANZO (Professor of Procedural Law, Universitat de Valencia (Spain) and ANTONIO BERLANGA SANCHEZ (Police Officer, Valencia Local Police (Spain)
The aim of this paper is to present the Spanish police experience, regarding the implementation and deployment of alternative dispute resolution systems in citizenship and especially in the law enforcement agencies. One of the tools that have really worked is the implementation of the PoliceMediation as an alternative dispute resolution method.
- Read the full document (348 Downloads)
COOPERATION AGREEMENT between the General Police Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Moldova, the " Eco-Razeni" Public Association and the European Association for Neighbourhood Watch (EUNWA).
On February 14, 2019 the General Police Inspectorate of Moldova organized, for the fifth consecutive year, a forum to present the results obtained under the "Neighborhood Surveillance" project at the Ministry of Labor in Chisinau.
"Changing Communities, Changing Policing"
Palazzo Vecchio, Piazza della Signoria, 50122 Florence
The CITYCoP Conference "Changing Communities, Changing Policing" took place in Florence 17/18. April 2018.
Apdo. 28 - 20560 OÑATI; Gipuzkoa – Euskadi España / Europa
Workshop on:
When the Exception becomes the rule: European Union Societies on the move