Wednesday, 20 June 2018 13:55

Varese (Italy) - News from the ACdV

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PRESS RELEASE - Varese, 22nd May 2018    

On Sunday, 20th May 2018, was hold in Cremona the Congress of the Associazione Controllo del Vicinato – ACdV, established in 2015 and depositary in the national territory of the Controllo del Vicinato – Neighbourhood Watch trademark.

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Starting from Theft Prevention Project to INWA, passing through Neighborhood Watch Association.

In 2006, the criminologist Francesco Caccetta, thanks to his personal intuition and great experience due to his membership to Security Forces, created one project to defence citizens from thefts and dishonesty.

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On 6 October, for the first time, the European Parliament officially took a stand against facial recognition systems and automated analysis of behavioural traits and biometric details (individual characteristics such as gait, fingerprints, DNA, voice, etc.). It called on the Commission to permanently ban the use of biometric video surveillance in public spaces to protect respect for privacy, human dignity and prevent discrimination.

Monday, 11 October 2021 11:45

London (UK) - Public safety and technology

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A new study by Motorola Solutions reveals trends related to Public Safety and Innovative Technology. The study in question, carried out by Dr. Chris Brauer of Goldsmiths, University of London, is called "Consensus for Change”: it involved 12,000 citizens, 50 public safety agencies, commercial organizations and experts from 10 countries. Areas of interest include Germany, Italy, Australia, UK, USA, Scandinavia, Spain, Malaysia, Singapore and Taiwan. 

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The pandemic and the Covid emergency have changed the evaluation criteria for the Economist's Safe Cities Index 2021. The requirements to enter the list have been rewritten. This report, drawn up by the English magazine that ranks every two years the safest cities in the world, in the 2021 edition has rewarded above all the cities that guarantee health security.

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Dr. George Leventakis; Nationality: Hellenic

Dr. LeventakisSince 2015 Mr. Leventakis has substantially contributed to the further development of the EUNWA and now we are proud that he has accepted to take up the position as Vice-President -Policy and Innovation Advisor. He will provide support to EUNWA in the areas of scientific innovation and policy in order to expand our community based on a well-defined duty.

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